
Keinomatsubara(Keinomatsubara beach)


Keinomatsubara and Keinomatsubara Beach is a sightseeing spot where visitors can experience both history and natural beauty. This scenic spot was written about by the ancient poet Kakinomoto Hitomaro in his Manyoshu (Anthology of Myriad Leaves), and is protected as part of Setonaikai National Park. The romantic atmosphere of the "Proposal Road" is popular among couples and families. Keinomatsubara Beach is also so popular that it has been selected as one of the "100 Best Pleasure Beaches," "100 Best Beaches in Japan," "88 Best Beaches in Japan," and "100 Best Sunsets in Japan.

Onerview of Keinomatsubara

NameKeinomatsubara (Keinomatsubara Beach)
AddressMatsuho Kozuji, Minami-Awaji City, Hyogo Prefecture
Phone0799-43-5221 (Minami-Awaji City Commerce, Industry and Tourism Division)
Official WEB
Opening hoursSea-bathing season: Early July to late August
Other than above: Open all year round
AdmissionSea-bathing season: 160 cars
Other than above: -
ParkingSea-bathing season: Yes
Other than above: -
Parking feeSea-bathing season: 700 yen/day, Motorcycle: 200 yen/day, Large buses: 2000 yen/day
Other than above: -
AccessBy car: Approx. 5 minutes from the Nishidan Mihara IC on the Kobe-Awaji-Naruto Expressway
Bus: Take a highway bus from JR Maiko Station to "Rikuno-ko Seitan", or take a cab, etc.
